Articles by: Gabriel Barkhan

This is Gabriel, and he is a South African-born Australian university student who is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in business management with a major in sports management at the University of Technology Sydney. He has a passion for sports and betting and has found that writing sport and betting content for 

MyBettingAustralia has been a fantastic experience that has allowed him to share his knowledge with a wider fanbase. 

 Gabriel is a Football and Rugby Union enthusiast, with a special fondness for Manchester United and the Springboks. One of his favourite sporting memories was being able to watch the Rugby World Cup Final in Tokyo in 2019, where the Springboks won their 3rd Web Ellis Trophy against England. Gabriel has had the privilege of watching Manchester United play Arsenal at Old Trafford and Spurs getting demolished at home in the CL against Bayern Munich. 

 These sporting experiences have provided him with some of his fondest moments and memories, and he hopes to share his passion for sports with a wider fan forum.

Betting Tips & News By Gabriel

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